One last thing for the night...

Some professors are simply horrid. Never ever email University of Florida math professor insert bitches' name here

The first time I ever asked for her help with watching online lectures, she shoved it all back in my face and basically told me to watch the whole lecture over again if there is a glitch and I would like to receive credit. Forget that it was 40+ minutes long and I was 25+ minutes into it. Let's just start it over, shall we?

Tonight, I tried every answer possible on the online warm-up/homework/pointless questions. No exaggeration. I then sent her a little email asking if maybe there was a glitch, or if perhaps I'd just overlooked something and was putting the wrong answer in. I was willing to admit my mistake. 

Her reply (word-for-word): "I can only tell you that in your last attempt you got 75%. There is no glitch in the program, you should just give the correct answers."

Way to go UF. You're great at hiring fabulous professors that love to help you and never try to belittle you in anyway.

insert expletives here


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